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The Working Mind

Mental Health Wellbeing & Resilience The Working Mind twmlarge.png
  • 5 hours - 8 hours
  • Free

Workplace Mental Health Training


The Working Mind (TWM) is an evidence-based training program developed to initiate a shift in how you think, act, and feel about mental health. This program is designed to provide practical knowledge and skills to reduce stigma.

Help your people do their best work. The Working Mind can get you there.

Supporting positive mental health in the workplace isn't just about looking after your team; it's a smart move for your business too. The Working Mind (TWM) is an innovative, evidence-based training program designed to build resilience among employees and managers. 

Poor mental health costs the Australian economy billions each year. Taking steps to prevent burnout can make a big difference. By investing in your team's mental health with The Working Mind, you can build a healthier, more resilient workplace. 

The Working Mind is a world renowned training program, developed in partnership with Opening Minds and the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and is scientifically proven to deliver desired outcomes. 

By taking The Working Mind, you will be provided with skills to:

  • Break down mental health myths and reduce stigma in your workplace
  • Understand mental health along a continuum
  • Assess and support your own mental health, as well as your team's
  • Develop a common language to support conversations about Mental Health between colleagues and within teams
  • Spot changes in your employees' mental health and know when to take action (Managers Only)
  • Communicate effectively with employees about mental health in a workplace context (Managers Only)
  • Implement workplace accommodations (Managers Only)
  • Encourage a productive, resilient and inclusive workplace where employees feel supported

TWM learning tools and strategies

TWM courses include scenario-based lessons, videos from people with lived experience of mental illness, practical activities, and other resources for further learning. Participants also receive a certificate of completion.

Mental Health Continuum Tool. A way to check in on your always changing mental health and wellness.

‘Big Four’ coping skills. Evidence-based techniques to help you cope with stress and improve your mental health and resilience.

Contact-based education. Personal stories told by people with lived experience to help you reduce stigma effectively.

Who should take The Working Mind?

TWM courses are tailored for

  • Employees (5 hours)
  • Managers (8 hours)

About The Working Mind for Employees (5 hours)

On completing the course, employees will learn to:

  • Break down mental health myths and reduce stigma in your workplace
  • Understand mental health along a continuum
  • Recognise signs and indicators, in yourself and others
  • Develop a common language to support conversations about Mental Health between colleagues and within teams
  • Spot changes in your own mental health and when to take action
  • Maintain own mental health and improve resilience

Course Structure:

  • Duration: 5 hours
  • Delivery: face-to-face, or online
  • Cost: available on request

Topics Covered:

  1. Mental Health and Stigma
  2. Mental Health in the Workplace
  3. Stress and Resilience

About The Working Mind for Managers (8 hours)

In addition to the material covered in TWM for employees, managers will learn to: 

  • Spot changes in your employees' mental health and know when to take action
  • Communicate effectively with employees about mental health in a workplace context
  • Implement workplace accommodations
  • Encourage a productive, resilient and inclusive workplace where employees feel supported

Course Structure:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Delivery: face-to-face, or online
  • Cost: available on request

Topics Covered:

  1. Mental Health and Stigma
  2. Mental Health in the Workplace
  3. Stress and Resilience
  4. Supporting Your Team (ONLY available in Manager course)

To make a booking for your team, please contact us via email on training@lifelinenarrm.org.au

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